EKT Humpty Dumpty e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein und Träger des Kinderladens. Der Verein wurde am 13.11.1981 registriert (VR 6848 B Amtsgericht Charlottenburg). Da der Verein durch seine Mitglieder getragen wird, werden die zur Personensorge berechtigten Elternteile mit Aufnahme des Kindes zugleich Mitglieder des Vereins. Wir sind als gemeinnütziger Verein anerkannt und Mitglied im DaKs (Dachverband Berliner Kinder- und Schülerläden e.V.). Es finden regelmäßig Mitgliederversammlungen statt, auf denen sämtliche Belange des Kinderladens diskutiert und nach Mehrheitslage entschieden werden.
The nonprofit association EKT Humpty Dumpty e.V. is the body that is officially responsible for the Humpty Dumpty kindergarden. The association, which is recognized as a charitable organization, was registered on 13 November 1981 at Charlottenburg district court (number VR 6848 B). Parents automatically become members of the association when their child is admitted to the kindergarten. Humpty Dumpty is also a member of DaKS (http://www.daks-berlin.de), the umbrella organization for independent kindergartens and schools in Berlin. At Humpty Dumpty, we hold regular meetings for the association’s members (the parents), where all issues relating to the kindergarten are discussed and decisions are made on a majority basis.
The nonprofit association EKT Humpty Dumpty e.V. is the body that is officially responsible for the Humpty Dumpty kindergarden. The association, which is recognized as a charitable organization, was registered on 13 November 1981 at Charlottenburg district court (number VR 6848 B). Parents automatically become members of the association when their child is admitted to the kindergarten. Humpty Dumpty is also a member of DaKS (http://www.daks-berlin.de), the umbrella organization for independent kindergartens and schools in Berlin. At Humpty Dumpty, we hold regular meetings for the association’s members (the parents), where all issues relating to the kindergarten are discussed and decisions are made on a majority basis.